Json Server : Testing Mock APIs with React

Json Server : Testing Mock APIs with React

What is JSON Server? And Why should we go for it?

JSON Server is a popular open-source tool that allows developers to quickly create a RESTful API with minimal effort. It's often used for prototyping, mocking APIs during development, and creating a simple backend for frontend (BFF) applications. JSON Server is particularly useful when you want to simulate a real API without the need for a traditional backend server or database.

Key features and characteristics of JSON Server include:

  • Data Mocking: JSON Server allows you to define and use a JSON file as a data store. This file typically represents a database and contains JSON objects that mimic the data you would expect to retrieve from a real API.
  • RESTful API: It automatically generates a RESTful API with standard CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for the data in your JSON file. This makes it easy to interact with the data using HTTP requests
  • Realistic Responses: JSON Server responds to HTTP requests with realistic data and status codes, giving the developer a production-like experience during development and testing.
  • Zero Configuration: JSON Server is simple to set up and use. It requires minimal configuration and can be started with a single command.
  • Custom Routes: While JSON Server provides automatic routes for CRUD operations, you can also define custom routes to handle more complex interactions.
  • Middleware Support: It supports middleware, allowing you to add custom logic or authentication to your mock API.
  • No Database Required: JSON Server doesn't require a traditional database system. It uses a JSON file as a data source, making it easy to get started without the need for database setup.

Developers often use JSON Server for front-end development when the actual backend is not yet available or for prototyping and testing applications. It's a handy tool for quickly creating a mock API, allowing developers to focus on building and testing the frontend of their applications.

Developing a Simple Task Manager App with React, Bulma, and Axios:

In this Blog, we will walk through the process of creating a straightforward task manager application using a powerful combination of technologies: React for building the frontend, Bulma for styling and UI design, and Axios for making HTTP requests to interact with a JSON Server as a mock backend.

Why These Technologies?

  • React: React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Its component-based architecture makes it easy to create reusable UI elements and manage the application's state efficiently.
  • Bulma: Bulma is a modern CSS framework that provides a clean and responsive design for web applications. We'll use Bulma to style our task manager app, giving it a professional and user-friendly appearance.
  • Axios: Axios is a robust JavaScript library for making HTTP requests. We'll use Axios to communicate with a JSON Server, allowing us to perform Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations on our task data.

Setting Up the Development Environment:

  1. Before we dive into coding, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your system:
  2. Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager): These tools are essential for managing and running JavaScript applications.

Step by step procedure for developing the Task Manager:

Step 1: Create a New React Application:

We'll begin by creating a new React application using the popular create-react-app tool. Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

Step 2: Install Dependencies:

  • Open the project folder in VS Code.
  • Install the dependencies in the terminal.
  • I’m installing json-server within the app you can also install it globally in your pc.

Step 3: Create a Mock JSON Server

  • Create a db.json file in the root of your project to serve as a mock database:
  • Start the JSON Server using your db.json file as the data source:

Step 4: Build the Task Manager App:

  • In VS Code, open the src folder and locate the App.js file. You can start building your app within this file.
  • Import axios library for making http request and import useState and useEffect react hooks for performing the needed state management and make effect to be implied in your code.
  • Declare the function and define the usestate and useeffect hooks.
  • Perform the GET POST PUT and DELETE HTTP methods using AXIOS.
  • In return, display the Heading and the input field to enter the value and add the buttons to ADD, UPDATE, EDIT, and DELETE. Then, display the tasks in ordered list.
  • Now, In Terminal run the command “npm start”.
  • Let’s see the result.

Github Repo: https://github.com/Kesavarajan10/TaskManager


In summary, the JSON Server in React offers a convenient way to mock APIs for frontend development, accelerating the development process and enabling efficient testing. Its simplicity, ease of setup, and versatility make it an invaluable tool for building and prototyping applications, providing a smooth experience for developers and fostering rapid development cycles.

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