Mastering GitLab Operations via Command-Line with Mule

Mastering GitLab Operations via Command-Line with Mule
Mastering GitLab Operations with Mule: Command-Line Efficiency


Git serves as an essential DevOps tool for effectively managing source code. As a free and open-source version control system, Git efficiently handles projects ranging from small to extensive scales. Its primary function involves tracking modifications within source code, facilitating collaborative development among multiple contributors in a non-linear fashion.

Step: - 1

Create a project in GitLab.

GitLab folder creation

To generate an access token for the project, click on the "Settings" option, then navigate to "Access Tokens".

Create GitLab access token

Provide a name for the token and set the expiration date. Next, select the role as "Owner" and specify the scopes to grant permissions for the project repository.

"Token, expiration, role, scopes: grant permissions"

Copy the access token and save it securely, which will be used when cloning the project via the command prompt.

Project access token successfully created

Step: - 2

Create a separate Git repository project in your local directory. To access Git Bash, right-click on the project directory and select "Open Git Bash here". This will open the command prompt.

Create Git repository, open Git Bash

Step: - 3

To obtain the project URL from GitLab, navigate to the top right corner and click on the "Code" option. From there, copy the HTTP URL provided.

Copy HTTP URL from "Code" tab

Step: - 4

git clone

Usage: git clone [url] 

This command is used to clone a repository from an existing URL. Paste the URL copied from GitLab.

Clone repository using copied URL

Step: - 5

Use the following command in Git:

$ cd mc-customermanagement-sapi

This command changes the directory (cd) to mc-customermanagement-sapi.

The command $ cd mc-customermanagement-sapi is used in Git to change the current directory to the directory named mc-customermanagement-sapi. This allows you to navigate to that specific directory in your file system.

Navigate to the target directory

Step: - 6

git checkout

Usage: git checkout [branch name]  

This command is used to switch from one branch to another.

Switch branches using git checkout

Once the above steps are completed, you will find the file in the Gitlab-mule-repo within your local directory. in local Gitlab-mule-repo

Step: - 7

Create a project in Mule ESB.

Create a project in Mule ESB

Step: - 8

To access the project's directory in the system explorer, simply right-click on the project and select "Show In".

Enabling System Explorer View

It will redirect you to the project location. Open the project and copy all the files within it.

Copy files from project location

Step: - 9

Paste the copied file into the gitlab-mule-repo.

Paste copied file in gitlab-mule-repo

Step: - 10

git status

The git status command displays the status of the working directory and the staging area. It lists all the files that have been modified since the last commit, files that are staged for commit, and files that are untracked.

git status: directory and staging overview

Step: - 11

git add *

In Git, executing git add * is a command that adds one or more files to the staging area, preparing them for inclusion in the next commit.

Add files to staging for commit

Step: - 12

git commit

Once the files or changes have been staged, we are prepared to commit them to our repository. This can be accomplished by using the command git commit -m "custom message".

Commit changes with custom message

Step: - 13

git push

The git push command is utilized to upload the content of a local repository to a remote repository. This action transfers commits from your local repository to a designated remote repository.

Upload local changes to remote repository

Once pushed, you can observe the changes in GitLab.

Changes visible in GitLab after push

Importing a project from GitLab to Mule Studio

Step: - 1

To obtain the project URL from GitLab, navigate to the top right corner and click on the "Code" option. From there, copy the HTTP URL provided.

Copy HTTP URL from GitLab's "Code" section

Step: - 2

To access Git Bash, right-click on the project directory and select "Open Git Bash here". This will open the command prompt.

Open Git Bash from project directory

Step: - 3

git clone

Usage: git clone [url] 

This command is used to clone a repository from an existing URL. Paste the URL copied from GitLab.

Clone repository, paste GitLab URL

Now, the project has been imported into the gitlab-mule-repo.

Project imported into gitlab-mule-repo

Step: - 4

Open Mule Studio, right-click on the project, and select "Import."

Importing project

Then, choose the option "Anypoint Studio Project from File System" and click "Next."

Select "Anypoint Studio Project from File System"
Choosing the required project

Select the gitlab-mule-repo and choose the project cloned from GitLab, referring to Step 1 to proceed.

Choose gitlab-mule-repo & select cloned project
Configurations for import

The cloned project has been successfully imported into the studio.

Project successfully imported into Mule Studio


In conclusion, integrating GitLab with MuleSoft provides a seamless workflow for managing Mule projects. By leveraging Git commands and Mule Studio's import capabilities, developers can efficiently collaborate, track changes and deploy their projects with ease.

From cloning repositories to importing projects into Mule Studio, the process ensures version control and streamlines project management. With these steps, developers can harness the power of GitLab and MuleSoft to enhance productivity and facilitate smooth development cycles. Embracing these practices empowers teams to build and deploy Mule applications with confidence, driving innovation and accelerating digital transformation initiatives.

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