OAuth 2.0 Implementation Using Mule OAUTH2 Provider

OAuth 2.0 Implementation Using Mule OAUTH2 Provider
OAuth 2.0 Implementation Using Mule OAUTH2 Provider


Transform your Mule 4 applications into fortresses of data security with the captivating power of OAuth 2.0 Implementation using Mule OAuth 2.0 Provider. Unleash seamless authentication and authorization, enabling a dance of secure access tokens across your API endpoints. Mule's dynamic capabilities make configuring OAuth 2.0 flows a breeze, ensuring a spellbinding balance of accessibility and protection.

Mule OAuth 2.0 provider module

The Mule OAuth 2.0 Provider module, available on Anypoint Exchange, transforms a Mule Application into an OAuth provider, playing a key role in the OAuth 2.0 dance. This module enables the application to authenticate clients, issue tokens, validate tokens and manage client registrations or deletions within a flow. With four essential operations,


                         2. DELETE CLIENT 

                         3. VALIDATE TOKEN 

                         4. REVOKE TOKEN 

This module provides a comprehensive toolkit for building secure, OAuth 2.0-compliant authentication and authorization processes seamlessly into Mule applications.


  • Create a Mule project in Anypoint studio and name it as you like.
  • Search and add Oauth 2.0 provider module from Anypoint Exchange.

Implement Mule OAUTH 2.0 Provider

  • Now drag HTTP Listener component from mule palette.
  • Configure HTTP Listener Global configuration with default values and set path as /createClient.
  • You can place a logger at the beginning of the flow. 
  • Create two object stores in which ‘client credentials’ and ‘tokens’ are stored.
  • Mule 4 allows easy interaction with object storage services, enabling efficient storage and retrieval of data. With streamlined payload transformation, robust exception handling, secure credential management and enhanced logging capabilities, Mule 4 ensures smooth integration workflows. It supports features like versioning, metadata handling and batch processing for optimal data management. Mule 4's advanced capabilities make it a powerful tool for developers orchestrating interactions with object stores in modern integration scenarios. 
  • Listener config: HTTP listener configuration through which Mule OAuth 2.0 provider is listening. 
  • The Mule OAuth client store caches each valid client application(client credentials) for which a token is requested. 
  • Pass the supported grant types as CLIENT_CREDENTIALS, path as /token to get the token and configure the token object store to store the token value, you can configure the token TTL as per requirement, I have kept is as default value and refresh token strategy as No Refresh Token as Default value 
  • Select the OAuth2 provider config created in module configuration tab. 
  • Client id, client  secret, client name are passed from client as headers. 
  • Description, principal and redirect URIs are hard coded. You can pass these values from client or hard code depends on requirement. 
  • CLIENT_CREDENTIALS are used as Grant type. 
  • No scopes are declared.
  • Type is selected as Confidential to maintain confidentiality of the credentials. 
  • If Fail if present is ticked, it doesn’t allow to create duplicate clients. 
  • Add a set payload component and set the value to “Client created successfully 



Create a flow and add HTTP listener with path /validate.

  • Add an HTTP listener config. 
  • Add Validate token operation and fill the required fields.

Add OAuth 2.0 in raml

  • Modify the RAML of the mule application.
  • Publish the modified RAML to exchange.
  • Deploy your application in runtime manager.
  • Add your application in API manager.
  • Add client_id and client_secret to properties in runtime manager from api manager.
  • Add instance id from api manager to API auto discovery configuration in Anypoint studio. 
  • Lets test from POSTMAN.
  • Provide the client_id and client_secret generated. 
  • Provide Grant Type as CLIENT_CREDENTIALS.
  • Provide the access token as Bearer token in Authorization field.
  • Set createClient as endpoint to successfully create a client.
  • Client credentials in object _clientStore last only for 30 days. 
  • Instead of adding client credentials every time after 30 days, we can achieve auto refreshing of client credentials by creating a flow with Scheduler.
  • Set the scheduler frequency to 20 days (or any number less than 30). 
  • Retrieve all the the client_id’s from object _clientStore.
  • Send each client id to create client flow using For Each. 

Get Access Token

  • Set validate as endpoint to validate the token.


In conclusion, implementing an OAuth 2.0 provider for a blog ensures secure user authentication and controlled access. OAuth 2.0's standardized protocol enhances the security by using access tokens, reducing risks associated with unauthorized access. The user-friendly authorization process and consent mechanisms foster transparency, granting readers control over shared information. Its adaptability supports seamless integration with third-party applications, while token management features contribute to a robust security posture.

Elevate your Mule 4 projects with an enchanting layer of standardized, fortified security, where data protection becomes a magical journey guided by OAuth 2.0 protocols.

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